Status Sat Jul 27 00:30:01 2024
Wind   (graph/graph)
 Current: 0.0  km/h   (calm) n/a (000°) 
 Gust: 0.0  km/h   (calm) 
 Todays high: 0.0  km/h   (calm) at 00:00 N (000°) 
  Temperatures   (graph)CurrentHighLowMore
  Rooftop WS Unit14.7°C 15.0°C 14.7°C (°F)
  Indoor Humidity Sensor23.8°C 23.8°C 23.7°C (°F)
  Dewpoint  (graph)13.5°C
  Relative Humidity  (graph)CurrentHighLowMore
  Indoor52% 77% 52% (%)
Lat 42.948     Lon -81.263 (MapQuest)
Sunrise: 5.12Sunset: 19.51
186487 samples in 3 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes
7020885 samples since Thu Oct 14 15:17:06 2004
WServer - 01.04.20082024 © Henriksen 1-Wire  

*Note: Indicated wind speeds may be too low. Maintenance of a sticky anemometer is required.

London, Ontario, Canada

Click here for more information on the station construction.

Other local weather stations:
Barry's Weather Page

Local forecast links:
Environment Canada
The Weather Network
Detroit Intellicast Radar
Canadian Weather Radar, London, ON